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The hidden symbolism in logic games Печат Е-мейл
Автор Ioni Lazarov, BGA   
12.11.2007 г.

Web of questions
In 2001 I wrote the article “Two types of games”, published at the website of the Bulgarian Go Association . This is a new article on some of its motives. Some of these motives require even more extended research and presentation, which shall be done another time. Actually the main trend here is to show how the logic games Chess and Go are connected with our view of the world, how they originate from our impulse for spirituality and enlightenment and how they can in turn bring us back to spirituality and enlightenment. As a whole the metaphysical issues will be ignored where appropriate and the psychological approach will be a priority.

Here are some of the subjects and threads which will be followed. Games – their characteristics and relationship, especially Chess and Go. Their rivalry and cooperation. What the theory of games adds to this picture. Games as Models of the world, but their spatial and temporal characteristics will be ignored here – this is serious issue which could be addressed in another research. Games as representing different civilizations and religions – how they give models of communication, interaction and tolerance – no matter how complex these relationships are they are preferable than war and destruction. How games are means of spiritual growth and enlightenment – they are the internal ecology of spirit – and how their origin and history leads us to this thread.

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